This NASA satellite image of Brazil shows clearly the Amazon Basin and the drier south east of the country.
Overlaid on the image are the Brazilian states of which there are 26, plus a Federal District which holds the capital city – Brasília.
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This NASA satellite image of Brazil shows clearly the Amazon Basin and the drier south east of the country.
Overlaid on the image are the Brazilian states of which there are 26, plus a Federal District which holds the capital city – Brasília.
Projection of Brazil on the globe in a South American context. Brazil is the largest country by geographical area...
A topographical view of Brazil in the context of South America. Higher ground tends to be located in the...
View Larger Map Navigate Brazil using our Google Map and Street View. Explore the Amazon Rainforest, view scenic coastlines,...
Map showing the major cities of Brazil and surrounding nations. Brasilia is the capital city with Sao Paulo...