About Us

Geographic.Media offers a wealth of geographic content designed to deepen understanding of our remarkable planet. Our extensive database includes professionally curated photos, meticulously organized by location, enriching articles, and an expanding library of maps and shared videos.

Sharing our content is free

Geographic.Media photos, videos, and maps are free to use and and share without permission. We only require a link to our site or page from where the content originates. You are also free to link our content in social media services like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Using our content in your school projects

Our content is great for educational purposes. Teachers, pupils, and authors of teaching material can share our photos, videos, and maps. You can also use our articles in websites, presentations,  and homework.

How to use our quality photos and content in your projects

Using our images on other websites or your social media accounts is easy. Located below each image, is the link that displays the content. You can simply past that link into most platforms. Or you can use the address to build your own link. Further, you can save our photos and use them on your own server, but you cannot remove our web address which is stamped on the bottom-right corner of each image. You can also link directly to our content from our server. If you use our content in print such as a text book or homework, we only require an attribute to Geographic.Media and provide our web address for reference. However, we reserve the right remove any links or permissions to our content at any time. We will only ever enact this in cases of server or copyright abuse.

Who owns the photos?

The images featured on this website are the property of David Johnson, who is the owner of this platform under Virtualtopia Ltd. Additionally, some photographs contributed by Steven Grove are showcased here. Furthermore, certain thumbnail images serve as visual representations extracted from videos.

Terms of Use and Our Privacy Policy


Contact Us

To get in touch with us, you need to visit our parent organization’s contact page at Virtualtopia

We are located a mere 15 minutes walk away from this beautiful view in Whitby in Wellington,  New Zealand.

Spinnaker Hill in Whitby Porirua


We would like to thank the following organizations and people:

  • Re:brand in particular Rob McAlister for creating our logo and advising on our typography.
  • Donuts Inc for making the .MEDIA domain extension available.
  • SeventhQueen for their awesome Kleo Theme.
  • dFactory for their Image Watermark plugin.
  • Carlos Moreira for his Interactive World Maps plugin
  • Google for their mapping service.
  • Capire for their amazing writing resources.
  • Jigmail for turning some of our photos into jigsaws that can be sent as greeting cards.
  • Virtual Oceania is another website we own. It contains more photos of Australia, New Zealand , New Caledonia, and Tonga.


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